Archived Issues

Spring 2024
Volume 12, Issue 2

Topics Include: legislative trends affecting dyslexia identification, employment trends among Black teachers, teacher’s perceptions of children’s literature and neurodiversity awareness, student voice, and controversial identity issues & preservice teachers
Special Issue: Academic Eclecticism: Celebrating the Life and Work of Dr. Patricia Ann Somers
Contributing Authors: Simmons, M.; Shin, M.; Hart, S.; Johnson, V. R.; Williams III, J. A.; Richardson, M.; Amador, S.; Van Kessel, C.; Righton, K.; Lester, L.; Schimel, J.; Hussain, Z.; Lindell, C.; Cavazos, A. G.; St. John, E. P.; Somers, P. A.; Demchuk, T. L.; Rainey, E. A.; McKinnon-Crowley, S.; Voyles, A. W.; Hyder, Z. J.; Collom, G. D; Biddix, J. P.; Taylor, Z. W.; McCartt, B.; Babekir, T; Tottenham, D. E.; Gonzáles, J. C.; Acevedo, R. M.; Lund, J. A.; Reddick, R. J.; Sáenz, V. B.; Gururaj, S. V.; Geier, J.; Brewer, C. A.

Topics Include: Afterschool Activity Participation, Supporting International Students

Contributing Authors: Palma, J. R.; van Boekel, M.; Hufnagle, A. S; Aziz, J.

Topics Include: Mitigating Toxic Stress, Deconstructing Deficit Orientation

Special Issue: Reflections on the World History of the Politics of Liberation

Contributing Authors: Dussel, E. & Hererra, G.; Martinez, A.; Hopkins Moreno, A.; Padilla Rosas, E. J.; Ayala-Colqui, J.; Marcos de Jesus, R.; Soazo Ahumada, C.; Díaz Guzmán, D. A.; Heredia, N.; Colmenares Lizárraga, K.; De Lissovoy, N.; Palacios et al.; Nicol, M. K. & Sherrod, A.

Special Issue: Cultural Studies in Education Between UT Austin and UT Rio Grande Valley

Contributing Authors: B. Caldas Chumbes; P. Montes; C. Caddel; B. Link; G. Eufracio; N. Alicia Luna; A. Bigelow et al.; D. Lovell; A. Schmidt; D. Almond

Topics Include: Social Studies Teacher Education; Collaborative MOOCs; Growth Mindset

Contributing Authors: H.T. Robinson; M. Joseph; M. Baker; J. Batt; F. Palacio; N. Sadehvandi; B. A. Schuetze

Spring 2021
Volume 9, Issue 2

Topics Include: Special Issue on the Texas 87th Legislature; Exclusionary Discipline and Graduation Rates in Texas Schools

Contributing Authors: (A. Valenzuela; Lenderman & Hawkins). (Nunez-Porras & Hernandez). (Del Carmen Unda & Lizarraga-Duenas). (Madrigal & Epstein).

Topics Include: Special Education Eligibility; Endorsement Enrollment in Texas; Campus Carry at UT Austin; Black Lives Matter Movement and the 1619 Project.

Contributing Authors: (M.L. Simmons, M. Shin, & L.A. Sharp). (M. Adamuti-Trache, Y.L. Zhang, & L.S. Hagedorn). (A. Butters). (J.C. Bridgeforth).

Spring 2020
Volume 8, Issue 2

Topics Include: Neoliberalism in Higher Education; School Segregation in Texas; Augmented Reality in Education; School District Website Traffic Expenditures; Whiteness in Teacher Education; Districts of Innovation in Texas; Rural Knowledges in Higher Education

Contributing Authors: (E. Epstein & S. McKinnon-Crowley). (T. Mattison). (L. Ping & K. Liu). (J. Childs & Z.W. Taylor). (J. McLean & K. Alexander). (S. Guthery & M.P. Richards). (D. Almond).

Topics Include: Institutional Racism in Doctoral Education; The Cordoba Reform Movement; Teacher Gesturing in Elementary Engineering Curriculum; Postsecondary Enrollment for Students with Disabilities; Special Issue on the 86th Texas Legislature; Special Issue on Cross-cultural Mentoring

Contributing Authors: (M.N. Nagbe). (R. Patterson). (L.M. Fernandez, S.A. Tharayil, & R.M. Callahan). (C. Charran, I. Bicak, & Z.W. Taylor). (C.L. Sikes). (M. Craven). (A. Chevalier & M.E. Gonzalez). (A. Williams). (Z.W. Taylor). (D. Viramontes Le). (C.S. Turner & S.J. Waterman). (R.J. Reddick & K. Ortego Pritchett). (J.J. Fry & J. Schell).

Spring 2019
Volume 7, Issue 2

Topics Include: Arming Teachers for School Safety; Dual Enrollment Access in the U.S.; Critical Pedagogy and the Ethnic Studies Movement; Critical Literacy and Scientific Inquiry; Higher Education Access for Students with Disabilities.

Contributing Authors: (L. Isbell, K. Dixon, & A. Sanders). (L.E. Rivera, S. Kotok, & N. Ashby). (A.J. Armonda). (A. Daly-Lesch). (Z.W. Taylor).

Topics Include: Latino Males at HBCU’s; Foreign Teachers in Bilingual Classrooms; Disciplinary Biases Against Black Girls in School Policy; Special Issue on Coercive Isomorphisms on Texas Universities; Special issue on Special Education in Trinidad and Tobago; Special Issue on Experiential Learning in Higher Education

Contributing Authors: (T.O. Allen, A.N. Stone, R.T. Palmer, D.C. Maramba, T. Dinh, & V.B Sáenz). (N. Batista-Morales). (A. Caldera). (D. Bradley). (A. Drake & C. Marsicano). (S.A. Ryan). (D. Bradley & E.E. Doran). (C. Charran). (C. Charran & K. Seethal). (K. Seethal & C. Charran). (R. Gavillet). (G. Fenves). (S. McKeen, K. Laufer, & M. Jester).

Fall 2018
Special Issue

Topics Include: Economic Justice Issues in Education; Low-Wage Migrants and Neoliberalism; Privatized Education and Latino Students; Charter Schools and Teacher Certification in New York State; Excelsior College Scholarships in New York; Prison Reform; Childhood Trauma and School Navigation.

Contributing Authors: (M. Lemke). (K. Reeb-Reascos & J. Serniuk). (J.C. Veenis). (M. Wing & J. Saboda). (C. Pierce & J. Siraco). (J. Mdurvwa Wolcott). (T.S. Fenton).

Spring 2018
Volume 6, Issue 2

Topics Include: Financial Burdens of Postsecondary Education in Texas; Special Issue on School Activity Programs; Special Issue on Immigrant Students in Language Arts Classrooms

Contributing Authors: (V.G. Black & Z.W. Taylor). (A.N. Phelps). (M. Urtel). (K.A. Lorrenz). (C. Burgeson). (H. Erwin). (L. Omogun). (S.J. Arenas). (G.Y. Aponte).

Topics Include: Trends in Undergraduate Education and the Texas Core Curriculum; Career and College Readiness Equity Analysis of Texas 2013 HB 5; Lessons from the Story of Barbara Smith Conrad; Student Activism in Higher Education; Special Issue on Technology for Equity and Social Justice; Special Issue on Developmental Education

Contributing Authors: (S. Henschel, M. Lewis, K. Calame Wade, & D. Schwertner). (C.L. Sikes). (A.N. Stone). (Z.W. Taylor, B.S. Davis, A.C. Pyle). (A. Papendieck). (C. Lee & E. Soep). (J. Harron). (K. Hildebrandt). (M. Kruger-Ross). (C. Hartman). (E.M. Bohlig, C.M. Bullock, M. Garza, C. Hartman, K. Lovseth, & H. Yu). (N. Edgcombe & S. Bickerstaff).

Spring 2017
Volume 5, Issue 2

Topics Include: Special Issue on South Asian Americans in Higher Education; Special Issue on Modern Public-School Teacher Experiences; Special Issue on African Americans and STEM Education; Book Review of Conteh & Meyer on Multilingualism in Languages Education (2014).

Contributing Authors: (J.T. Samuel). (P. Patel & V. Patel). (B. Badruddin). (S. Desai). (W.L. Edwards). (W. Maddox). (S. Kemper). (T. Williamson). (J.F.L. Jackson, L.J. Charleston, C.W. Lewis, J.E. Gilbert, & W.P. Parrish III). (A.N. Sambolín Morales).

Topics Include: Special issue on Rural Students and Higher Education; Special Issue on Language Ideologies in Bilingual Education

Contributing Authors: (A.N. Stone). (K.E. Gillion). (J.M. Longhurst). (J.K. Roberts). (W. Rosser & L. Gurrola). (A.H. Hurie). (M. Gort). (N. Flores). (R.A. Martínez).

Spring 2016
Volume 4, Issue 1

Topics Include: Special Issue on Preparing and Evaluating Special Educators in the 21st Century

Contributing Authors: (J.F. Carter). (G.W. Watts). (A. Sledge & B.L. Pazey). (L. Haynes & L. Holdheide). (N.P. Pierce). (E.S. Johnson, A. Crawford, L.A. Moylan, & J.W. Ford). (R.J. Ostendorf).

Topics Include: Special Issue on Critical Pedagogy and Neoliberalism in Education

Contributing Authors: (P. McLaren). (H.A. Giroux). (A.J. Letizia). (C. Malott). (N. De Lissovoy). (A. Rodriguez & K. Magill). (R. Gibson).

Spring 2015
Volume 3, Issue 1

Topics Include: Special Issue on Immigration, Transfer Students of Color, and Accountability

Contributing Authors: (A. Castro, A. Malinowska, & L. Del Carmen Serrata). (J. Del Real Viramontes, J. Segovia, M. Gutierrez, & J. Lopez). (E.K. Germain & M.C. Barnes). (T.O. Allen). (M.C. Morales & D.N. Delgado).

Topics Include: Overview on History and Opposition to Bilingual Education; Litigation in School Finance Policy; Game Based Learning; STEM Education in the Age of Innovation; History and Contemporary Issues in Urban Education; Diversity and Campus Climate in Higher Education; Overview of Black Student Achievement; The Texas Miracle and Racial Discrimination after Brown v. Board

Contributing Authors: (E. Ruiz Bybee, K.I. Henderson, & R.V. Hinojosa). (M.A. Lemke, K. Jackson, & M.D. Lehr). (S. Lui & J. Kang). (C. Lu). (K.J. Massey, A.S. Warrington, & K.A. Holmes). (R.A. Miller). (L.V. Smith & S. Jackson). (R.R. Calvoz).

Spring 2014
Volume 2, Issue 1

Topics Include: Topics in Creating a Graduate Student Education Journal; Premedical Students and the Pipeline to Medical School; Studies in Latino Education; Trends in Student Enrollment at High-Profile Charter Schools; HBCUs and the STEM Career Pipeline; Issues in Game Based Learning; Current Topics in Campus Climate for Diversity; Critical Overview of Charter Schools in Education

Contributing Authors: (M.A. Lemke, M.D. Lehr, & R.R. Calvoz). (M. Chang, M. Soh, K. Eagan, & S. Hurtado). (A. Darder & R.D. Torres). (E. Fuller). (M. Gasman & T. Nguyen). (C.A. Grant & A. Allweiss). (M. Liu). (A. Vaccaro). (L.D. Redd, A.V. Leclair, & S.J. Goessling).

Fall 2013
Volume 1

Topics Include: Technology Enhanced Education in Higher Education; 83rd Texas Legislature; Education and The Texas Miracle; Equity in School Finance; Language Education Policy; Community and School Partnerships; Social Justice and Campus Climate; Charter Schools in Texas; School Choice and Civil Rights; History of Educational Technology; Entrepreneurship Education; The Tinker Test; Web Game Development; The Acting White Thesis; Black Student Achievement; Queer Theory and Education Policy; Climate Science Education; Minority Students in STEM Education; Teacher Quality Gap; Immigration and Transnationalism; Critical Patriotism

Contributing Authors: (W. Powers Jr.). (J.D. Aycock). (D. Howard). (A. Kauffman). (N. Compean-Garcia & S. Garcia). (C. Peralta). (C.T. Wolfe & J.K. Gwen Chi). (M. Feinberg). (J. Vasquez Heilig). (S. Bakshi). (B. Corcoran). (R. Metcalfe). (J. Walsh). (J. Bullard). (J.P. Gee). (K. Cokley). (R. Reddick). (C.A. Lugg & J. Murphy). (K.C. Busch & J. Osborne). (L. Esters & I. Toldson). (E. Parsons III). (M. Knight). (P. McLaren).