Spring 2014: Volume 2, Issue 1


To Be of Use: A Narrative Roadmap for Creating an Open-Access, Peer-Reviewed, Graduate Student Educational Journal 

MELINDA A. LEMKE, The University of Texas at Austin

MEGHAN D. LEHR, The University of Texas at Austin

RAUL R. CALVOZ, The University of Texas at Austin


Premedical Students’ Orientation toward Education: Challenges for the Pipeline into Medical School 

MITCHELL CHANG, University of California, Los Angeles

MICHAEL SOH, University of California, Los Angeles

KEVIN EAGAN, University of California, Los Angeles

SILVIA HURTADO, University of California, Los Angeles

The Study of Latino Education 

ANTONIA DARDER, Loyola Marymount University

RODOLFO D. TORRES, The University of California, Irvine

Cream Skimming in Texas: A Comparison of the Characteristics of Students Entering High-Profile Charter Schools in the Same Zip Code  

ED FULLER, The Pennsylvania State University

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Leading Our Nation’s Effort to Improve the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Pipeline   

MARYBETH GASMAN, The University of Pennsylvania

THAI-HUY NGUYEN, The University of Pennsylvania

Education in Urban Spaces: False Notions About Solutions and Little Attention to Social Justice   

CARL A. GRANT, The University of Wisconsin-Madison

ALEXANDRA ALLWEISS, The University of Wisconsin-Madison

Motivating Students to Learn Using A Game-Based Learning Approach: Gaming and Education Issue  

MIN LIU, The University of Texas at Austin

Campus Climate for Diversity: Current Realities and Suggestions for the Future  

ANNEMARIE VACCARO, The University of Rhode Island

Critical Issue: Charter Schools

An Overview on Charter Schools: Historical Rise and Opposing Views

LINDSAY D. REDD, The University of Texas at Austin

ANTHONY V. LECLAIR, The University of Texas at Austin

SAMUEL J. GOESSLING, The University of Texas at Austin