Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

  • Authors must adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6thedition, 2009, or a more current version.
  • Authors should indicate whether they are submitting a manuscript or editorial.
  • Manuscripts and editorials should be double-spaced, use Times New Roman 12-pt font, include 1-inch margins on all sides (align text left), and be printable to 8½” x 11” paper.  Both also must be submitted using Microsoft Word.  PDFs will not be accepted.
  • Pages must be numbered consecutively at the upper right corner of the page, beginning with the title page.
  • Manuscripts must fall between 4,000-7,000 words (16.5-29.0 pages), not including endnotes, references, tables, and appendices.
  • Manuscripts must include an abstract of 100-150 words (.5 pages) and should include 3-5 keywords that help describe the content of the manuscript.  Keywords can contain more than one term.
  • Editorials must fall between 1,000-3,000 words (4.0-12.5 pages) not including endnotes, references, tables, and appendices.
  • Footnotes, rather than endnotes, should be used when applicable.  They should not include reference information.  Footnotes are used for additional explanation of textual material and not for reference information.  They should be single-spaced and use Calibri Body 10-pt font.
  • The reference list can only contain references cited in the text.  Reference lists also must follow APA guidelines, and use digital object identifiers (DOI) when available.
  • Tables must adhere to APA guidelines and should be clear and non-redundant.
  • Subheadings should be used throughout the text and must follow APA guidelines.
  • When first used, abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out unless, per Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, 2003, the abbreviated form requires no explanation.  Mathematical symbols should be marked to indicate italics, boldface, superscript, and subscript.
  • TxEd grants author preference on capitalization and naming of gender, class, cultural, racial, and ethnic groups.  However, manuscripts and editorials should maintain internal consistency in this regard.
  • Separate from the manuscript and/or editorial submission, a Microsoft Word title page must be included and in the order listed, contain the following information: Name, affiliation, e-mail address, and phone number.
  • To help ensure a blind process, authors should ensure that aside from the title page file, author identity must be removed from all other submission materials.
  • If authors are asked to submit a revised version of a manuscript or editorial, then a blind version of the response letter covering text changes, as well as the new submission must adhere to identity requirements. Please remove all identifying information before submitting any manuscript or editorial.
  • A word count, prior to endnotes, references, tables, and appendices, must be included at the end of all submissions

Open Access Policy

Peer Review Policy and Process

Current Issue

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 13, Issue 1 of the Texas Education Review. In this issue, we present five open call pieces centered around educational issues in Texas, and seven additions to our special issue titled Unveiling the Landscape of School Discipline in the United States: Opportunities, Innovative Strategies, and Prospects.