
We are currently accepting submissions for the Summer 2025 issue of TxEd, including manuscripts for our upcoming special issue, Democracy Dismantled: Takeover and the Lived Experience of State-Directed Urban School Reform.

For more information, please visit our Upcoming Issues page.


Peer Review Policy

About TxEd Peer Reviewers:

Members of the Texas Education Review (TxEd) Editorial Board serve as reviewers in the peer review process.  Board members are doctoral students with advanced degrees in Education and/or related fields. 

About the TxEd Peer Review Process:

    1. Published TxEd manuscripts and editorials serve as examples of the content and writing style appropriate for our audience.
    2. Manuscripts and editorials will be considered for publication on the basis of their originality, advancement of a significant issue in education, scholarly competence and lack of technical jargon, and ability to follow TxEd guidelines.
    3. Upon receipt, manuscripts and editorials will be read by two peer reviewers to determine publication eligibility.
    4. Manuscripts and editorials are subject to a blind peer review process handled by the Managing Editor, who is an Executive Board member.  Manuscripts and editorials must pass both reviews to be considered for publication.
    5. The Managing Editor determines whether the manuscript and/or editorial should be 1. accepted with minor changes; 2. returned to the author(s) for a revise and resubmit; or 3. rejected.
    6. Authors will receive written feedback regarding minor changes, as well as needed changes to be considered for a revise and resubmit.
    7. All revisions required for publication must be met by the deadline provided for the authors by the Managing Editor.  The Managing Editor establishes the TxEd yearly publication timeline and therefore determines when a manuscript and/or editorial is ready for publication.
    8. Authors retain copyright over the articles published in TxEd.  However, authors grant the journal rights to make content available on-line, in perpetuity.  Authors may reproduce their content in subsequent publication, but TxEd must be acknowledged as the original publisher.

Updated: Spring 2021

Current Issue

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 13, Issue 1 of the Texas Education Review. In this issue, we present five open call pieces centered around educational issues in Texas, and seven additions to our special issue titled Unveiling the Landscape of School Discipline in the United States: Opportunities, Innovative Strategies, and Prospects.