Fall 2018: Special Issue
Welcome to the Fall 2018 Special Issue of the Texas Education Review, “The Politics of (Un)deservedness and (In)visibility: Examining Economic Justice Issues in Education.”
This issue features pieces from graduate students at the State University of New York at Buffalo with a special focus on how social, cultural, economic, geographic, and political factors impact educational access and equity for all students.
Comments and feedback about the issue can be directed to the Special Issue Editor, Melinda Lemke, PhD, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy, State University of New York at Buffalo: Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, 470 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1000, USA. Email: malemke@buffalo.edu
The Politics of (Un)deservedness and (In)visibility: Examining Economic Justice Issues in Education
MELINDA LEMKE, University at Buffalo
ESSA, Low-Wage Migrants, and the Persistent Neoliberal Education Structure
KATHLEEN REEB-REASCOS, University at Buffalo
JENNIFER SERNIUK, University at Buffalo
Paradoxical Choices: The Realities and Privatized Education for Latino Students
JON C. VEENIS, University at Buffalo
Charter Schools: The Destruction of Teacher Certification in New York State
MICHELLE WING, University at Buffalo
JENNIFER SABODA, University at Buffalo
Excelsior, New York States’ “Free” College Scholarship
CHRISTIAN PIERCE, University at Buffalo
JUSTIN SIRACO, University at Buffalo
Prison Reform and Redemption for Whom?
TARA-JENEIL S. FENTON, University at Buffalo